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Feminist Frequency is a web series created by Anita Sarkeesian and co-written by video remixer Jonathan McIntosh to analyze pop culture from a feminist perspective. The point of the series is to point out female character archetypes, mostly negative criticism towards what she regards as the Unfortunate Implications that ensue from various shows and movies. Part of her stated goal is to educate people on feminist theories using pop culture to communicate basic concepts. In addition to covering individual subjects and top best/worst lists, there is a six-part mini-series on "Tropes V.S. Women" started in 2011 and an in progress mini-series on "Tropes V.S. Women in Video Games" which is planned to have 12 parts when completed. Both works just so happen to use this very site as inspiration.
  Read more: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebVideo/FeministFrequency#ixzz3irYHhWYu

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