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Crimewatch is a television programme produced by the National Crime Prevention Council, Singapore and Singapore Police Force. Currently presented by serving regular police officers, it showcases the work of the Singapore Police Force including solved cases, appeals for unsolved cases, as well as crime prevention advice. It is based on the German programme Aktenzeichen XY... ungel?st, or "File XY... Unsolved".
  The programme is telecast monthly in four languages: Mandarin (绳之以法), English (Crimewatch), Tamil (Kutra Kannkaanippu) and Malay (Jejak Jenayah). The English version was first shown in 1986, followed by Mandarin, then Malay in 2000 and Tamil in 2001. Starting March 2018, the new season of Crimewatch will be in Mandarin dubbed mainly followed by original English, Tamil dubbed and Malay dubbed.
  The series was first telecast on 30 November 1986 and the Mandarin version debuted a week later. The episode featured the unsolved murder of a 19-year-old national serviceman and a public appeal from the victim's parents. Less than two weeks after the episode was broadcast, police were able to identify and arrest the suspects based on information provided by viewers responding to the appeal.[1]Episodes after 1993 are found on toggle.sg and only english and chinese version for crimewatch 1993-2008.

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