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At the Vietnamese hotel H?i An, the hotel manager Markus Winter makes the acquaintance of the charming Nora. He is only too pleased to give her a tour of the country’s exotic beauty, all the while remaining unaware of her true intentions – she is a spy! Sent by Markus’ competition, Nora had been charged with snooping on his new and ecological hotel construction project. When he does discover her deception, he immediately breaks off all contact. Nora, however, having fallen in love with Markus, now hopes to wipe the slate clean and promises to fully support him in implementing his plans. Meanwhile Silke, another hotel guest, is disappointed to learn that her blind date in Vietnam with Guido, whom she had met online, has been postponed. The hotel resident Fabian, having gotten word of the ruined date, presents himself as Guido – which leads to an uncomfortable series of misunderstandings. The head chef Malte is struggling with difficulties of his own: his father has arrived at H?i An in an attempt to convince his son to return to Germany and take over his fast-food chain. Malte, however, wants to marry the Vietnamese Lamai and live with her in Vietnam. Last but not least, when Malte’s ex-girlfriend Julia suddenly turns up, the 'Dream Hotel' is plunged into an absolutely perfect chaos...

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