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《密码猎人 Codehunters》在线观看


Codehunters is a 2006 CGI animated short directed by Ben Hibon, who directed the animated sequence in the current Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie.
  Working with Stateless Films and Blinklink, Hibon worked to make the CGI images look graphic and closer to 2-D drawings than most CGI, and the film has a nice blend of anime style and more rendered imagery.
  The story, such it is, involves some kind of dystopian setting, and doesn’t make a lick of sense as far as I can tell. There is an explanation of sorts here, but it’s too boring for words.
  Of more interest is the page on CGSociety in which there is a discussion of the film, which was originally made for a weekly MTV Asia TV show called Screen, and meant to be a prologue for a longer work that was never developed.

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