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该纪录片由澳大利亚广播公司ABC制作。最早在2014年5月19日的晚间节目Four Corners中播出。
  在MH370失联后的约80天时间里,Four Corners节目记者Caro Meldrum-Hanna独家采访了马来西亚国防部长、Inmarsat公司负责人、前波音飞机驾驶员以及机长的家人与朋友等相关人士,进行了深度的追问和探讨,并试图重现MH370失联当天数小时的关键情况。
  Next on Four Corners reporter Caro Meldrum-Hanna forensically charts what happened in the minutes and hours after the Boeing 777 aircraft stopped communicating with authorities on the ground. The program raises many crucial questions about what went wrong with the emergency response and reveals new information about the sequence of events that night.
  Travelling to Malaysia, Meldrum-Hanna speaks to the family of the pilot and prime suspect, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, in their first television interview.

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