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CUT Version:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM1OTQ5NjcxMg==.html?from=y1.7-1.2
  On the verge of achieving his dream career, Tomás allows his older brother Martín Farina an inside look at his life as a professional football player. Martín, never able to fulfill his own dream of playing football, steps into the world of Tomás and his teammates through the lens of his camera. However, the rest of the club has their own opinions – some viewing Martín as an intruder, as he exposes their most vulnerable moments, and their concerns for the future after the game has ended. Fulboy offers an uncensored, confessional look at how the athletes behind the most popular sport in the world behave during their time off the field. At the same time, Fulboy reflexively interrogates Farina’s aesthetic choices and point-of-view – as well as the viewer’s gaze at the male form.
  Official Selection BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival 2015
  Official Selection: Torino Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Mix México, Rio Festival Gay de Cinema, MIX Milano, La Otra Banqueta, Festival de Cine por la diversidad sexual de Guatemala

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