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  这部片子有点像向Endless Summer致敬,不过冲浪的和文化差异的部分少点,生动搞笑的成分更多些。就当是年轻时的一次壮游吧,看的会非常开心和触动,希望自己也能踏上这样一次旅行。
  Australian surfer/filmmakers Jonno Durrant and Stefan Hunt are fascinated with "the states" and its people, and begin to wonder what it might be like to tour the whole country and explore its surf, culture and geography. One small problem: how could you possibly surf in places like Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, thousands of miles away from the nearest salt water? Being aware of surfing on the east, west and Gulf coasts as well as the Great Lakes, it was clear they should be able to get some waves in those states, but those interior states would clearly be quite a challenge. But their motto was "as long as you're standing on a surfboard with some kind of momentum, you're surfing." To them, surfing doesn't HAVE to be in salt water- heck, it doesn't even have to be on water. So they saved their pennies, packed their bags, and headed to the USA with a camera in one hand and a surfboard in the other. What follows is a hilarious mix of amazing people, fascinating locations, inventive surfing, ... Written by Jonno Durrant

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